Behavior & Conduct

Unattended Children Policy – Effective June 1, 2016

The Colfax-Perry Township Public Library staff cannot monitor the safety or whereabouts of unattended children in the library. The library staff cannot be held responsible for minors under 18, or for children left at the library at closing time. All children should have the telephone number of some who can assist them in case of emergency.

1. Children 9 and under may not be left unattended for more than 2 hours per day.
2. Children may be asked to leave the library if behavior is deemed inappropriate by library staff.
3. If a child is asked to leave due to behavior a parent will be notified.

The CPTPL staff will begin collecting necessary information for children that are not library card holders. (Such as emergency contact information, internet waivers, etc.)

Appropriate Behavior on Library Premises

It is the goal of the Colfax-Perry Township Public Library Board of Trustees to allow all patrons and visitors of the library to use its facilities to fullest advantage, for the purposes for which the library was established, during regularly scheduled hours.

Any patron not abiding by the rules and regulations of the C-PTPL may be asked to leave library premises. Further, any patron or visitor who violates the rules and regulations of the library may be denied the privilege of access to the library by the Library Board of Trustees, as recommended by the Library Director.

It is intended that patrons shall be engaged in normal activities associated with the use of a public library when inside the building and/or when on the outside premises of the library. Due regard will be given by all patrons or visitors using the facilities of the Library to the rights of other patrons or visitors engaged in normal activities in or on library premises.

Therefore, the Board of Trustees of Colfax-Perry Township Public Library reserves the right to cause to be ejected from library premises and to refuse further admission to any individuals, and/or groups, who violate the rules and regulations of the C-PTPL; infringe on the rights of any of the library staff or patrons and their proper use of library facilities; or, create disorder on the premises of the library in any situation so as to interfere with the functions which the Library was designed to fulfill, including, but not limited to any situation in which:

  • The actions of a person/persons present an imminent danger to the well-being or safety of other persons on library premises
  • A person is observed in an attempt to steal or maliciously destroy library property or the property of another library patron
  • A person’s behavior is deemed inappropriate to the use of the library building for the purposes for which it is legally constituted
  • A person willfully and purposely disturbs library staff or other library patrons, or whose behavior is any way disruptive to the legitimate use of library facilities by others

Use of Cellular Phones

Patrons are responsible for using cell phones in a manner that is considerate to fellow patrons and library staff. Cell phones should be turned off while in the Library or set to vibrate to avoid disruptive ring tones. When answering a cell phone, owner should move to the airlock entry space or outside, for personal privacy and as a courtesy to library patrons and staff.

Dress Code

Visitors and patrons of Colfax-Perry Township Public Library must wear shoes and appropriate dress in order to promote personal safety and well-being.

Use of Library Phones

Patrons and visitors may use phones, only with permission of library staff.

Food in the Library

No food or beverages are allowed in the library, with the following exceptions: Food and/or non-alcoholic beverages may be allowed during meetings and programs which have been planned and approved by library staff.

Inappropriate Behavior

Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to: Loitering—Gambling—Voyeurism—Exhibitionism—Smoking—Public Intoxication—Sleeping—Molestation—Possession of a Controlled Substance—Use of Obscene or Abusive Language— Solicitation—Theft—Vandalism.

Tobacco Policy

Colfax-Perry Township Public Library is a tobacco-free property. No tobacco products will be used inside the building or anywhere on Library property

Alcohol and Substance Abuse

It is the policy of Colfax-Perry Township Public Library that the property be free of illicit drugs and alcoholic beverages, and free of their use.


Persons who violate these rules will be asked to leave library premises. Repeat violators will receive three (3) warnings defining inappropriate behavior and will risk losing library privileges for one (1) year.

Repeat violators and those individuals who refuse to leave library premises, when appropriate, may be subject to arrest and prosecution under Section 35-43-2-2 of the Indiana Code entitled “Criminal Trespass.”