All book gifts must meet the criteria of the Library Selection Policy. Direct gifts/donations of books and other printed materials will be accepted only with the understanding that ownership transfers immediately and unconditionally giving the Director full authority regarding use or disposal. Gifts will not be accepted with restrictions to location or use. Materials must be clean and in good condition. Memorial gift books will be marked with appropriate library gift plate placed on the book end plate, as designated by the giver. A card will be sent by the library to persons specified by the donor.
Gifts to the Local History Museum will be considered on an individual basis by the Library Director and the Library Board of Trustees. Gifts and donated items will be accepted only with the understanding that ownership transfers immediately and unconditionally to the LHM of the Library. Items loaned for display in the Local History Museum will be marked as such, and remain the sole responsibility of the owner of the property.
Monetary gifts or donations shall be categorized as Unrestricted (not for specified program benefit) or Restricted (donor may specify benefit for a program or service) and proposed expenditures must be pre-approved by the Library Board of Trustees.